Skinfood: Food for Clear Skin

Hi guys,

I’ve never had great skin, I’m always plagued with acne, uneven skin tone, dry patches, the list goes on. Thanks to this, I’ve always had to work extra hard so that my face is under control.

One thing I’ve realized is that topical treatments are not always enough to fight acne, you need to bring in a significant amount of change in your lifestyle. I’ve consciously made an effort to change my diet and honestly, I see improvement.

So the first thing I do in the morning is, I drink a glass of warm lemon water. This helps me calm my stomach, and it’s also a great vitamin C boost. You can add honey if you want but I just have it this way.lemon-1578380_960_720.jpg

I make it a point to eat at least one fruit a day. That is legit my personal goal.Seriously. When it comes to fruits, the really colorful ones like blueberries, pomegranates and oranges are great for your skin. You can also have tomatoes, your skin will thank you because tomatoes have a lot of lycopene which is the holy grail when it comes to healthy skin.


Green leafy vegetables are a must if you want that radiant natural glow for your skin, but I don’t do green leafy vegetables. So a great hack (if you’re like me) is to just make a smoothie. When it’s cold and yummy and not in a salad, veggies are much yummier. You can always experiment on what you want to put in your smoothie and change it up.Some of the ingredients for my smoothies are spinach (this is a must),carrots, beetroots,apples, bananas,papayas and lemons.


I also make it a point to have a handful of almonds every day. It’s rich in vitamin E which makes your skin soft and supple. This also strengthens your hair and nails.

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Water is important folks and I’m so bad at this. I’m constantly dehydrated and still I need an app to remind me to have a drink of water. *sigh* . You need water to flush out all those toxins and if you’re bad at drinking water, I suggest you download an app as well.


It’s also very important to sweat for great skin, so I make sure I have at least an hour of exercise. This helps the blood circulation and  also sweats out the toxins, your face does really glow after a good workout.

I’ve heard green tea also helps, but I can’t live without my caffeine fix so I gave that one a pass.



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